T: 07980 318896 E: info@thewatergallery.co.uk

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The Water Gallery

 101 High St



KT10 9QE

The Curator: Mike Short

E: mike@thewatergallery.co.uk

E: jake@thewatergallery.co.uk


T: 01372 811 085

Mike: 07980 318 896

Jake: 07732 217 696

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The Fine Art Of Volevatch

The Fine Art Of Volevatch
August 6, 2019 ZndUQevZCa

The Fine Art Of Volevatch

Artisanal designer of fine bathroom fittings and fixtures

Oscillating between past and present, tradition and modernity, the VOLEVATCH endeavor is an unmistakably beautiful story. In 1975, during his flea markets strolls, Serge Volevatch – then intended to pursue a career as an urbanist – discovered a genuine admiration for period style bathrooms.

Since these days, Serge Volevatch has become an expert in the art of restoring antique bathroom fittings, creating his own brand around a unique principle: authenticity of style and modern function. While committed to the conservation of the French bathroom legacy, he occasionally lets his creativity free to revisit certain great classics.

Through his constant determination to protect an exemplary French craft industry, Serge Volevatch has evolved against the current of formatted contemporary logic. His work’s true value is found in the timelessness and excellence of an inherited know-how where beauty, technicality, and innovation are marvelously intertwined, offering the utmost pleasure to the content owners of his precious creations.

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