100 Fountains – Fantini For Africa
On a recent trip to the Fantini Showroom, Factory & Foundry in Milan we discovered the very exciting project that Fantini has been involved in since 2012. At The Water Gallery we feel if we can help spread the word and raise awareness of the Fantini 100 fountains for Africa project we would very much like to.
The 100 Fontane Fantini for Africa project was started in September 2012 with the goal of bringing clean drinking water to the Masango community, in Burundi, by building an aqueduct and 100 water outlets within walking distance (no longer than 10 minutes) from the houses to spare children in charge of water procurement long daily walks along dangerous and impassable tracks.
Next we introduced the project to several dealers in Italy, in Europe and in the US. Everywhere we found full support and co-operation thus allowing the 100 Fontane Fantini for Africa to be noticed globally and get a positive response from the Press.
In about two years’ time, despite the many logistic obstacles, the lack of infrastructures and the adverse weather conditions, we have managed to build:
-12 water springs catching water from the rocks
– a 27 kilometre aqueduct
– 100 water outlets accomplished in September 2014
– further 30 water outlets underway thanks to our customers’ support and the sales proceedings of the IBalocchi collection
The water outlets bring clean drinking water to about 25.000 people.
Each water outlet has now a number and a name and has been assigned to the care of one member of the Masango community who is responsible for its maintenance.
The project to bring clean drinking water to those who lack it is rooted in our firm bigger goal, t.i. to enable children, whose today’s main task is procuring water, to attend school, which is a first step to ensure a brighter future to the Masango community.
Now a large scenario of possible project options opens up for the next future, these should aim at reinforcing and implementing the positive effects of the “100 Fontane” project.
To find out more visit the Fantini Website